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USB C Female 180° DIP 16PP/N:184J-162511Z
USB C Female 90° SMT 16P (Waterproof fe...P/N:184J-16Q011N
USB C Female 180° SMT 16P H=6.68MM (Wate...P/N:184J-16M0116
USB C Female 90° SMT 16P L=10.0MMP/N:184J-16L011N
USB C Female 180° SMT 16P H=15.0MMP/N:184J-16I5116
USB C Female 90° SMT 16P (Waterproof fe...P/N:184J-16Q011N
USB C Female 180° SMT 6P (Waterproof fem...P/N: 184J-06N0116
USB C Female 180° SMT 6P (Waterproof fem...P/N: 184J-06N0116
DP male to female
177 SeriesSCSI 1.27mm Ribbon Type For Cable I.D.C.Type
177a SeriesSCSI 1.27mm Pin Type For Cable I.D.C. Type
177b SeriesSCSI 1.27mm Pin Type with Panel Mount, I.D.C. Type